Welcome to our Wedding Gallery.

Your wedding will be a very special day filled with precious memories, enjoyment with family and friends and great photographs. The gallery to the left contains examples of weddings we have photographed.

Below are some of the comments from the happy couples in these photos.

Thank you for celebrating our wedding with us. We really appreciate all of the hard work that you went to taking photos, videos and setting up webpages. You've done a fantastic job and we couldn't wish for better. We loved your enthusiasm. It helped make the wedding day more fun and showed us that we picked the best people for the job (you guys love what you're doing).

Take care and God bless
Siok Khim and Malcolm

Thank you so much for the work you both put into our wedding day. The photographs and videos are fantastic, as is the music written for the DVD. We look forward to displaying the photos in our house, as well as sharing who did the photographing.

Love, Sarah and Murray

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Professionally bound hard cover unique wedding photobooks


Wedding Gallery